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ChrisBConrad36 karma

Hi forkingniednagel

Me Birdbath and Chernus are waiting in the store

Dorman and our steady cam operator Jody and his focus puller are on a real metro in real time

We don’t control the trains

At a stop Dorman gets off and Jody walks backwards up stairs into the store we have the shootout then we all go into the street at night and make our way to the metro and wait for it to come

And it does and we all board

I think we did it 4 or 5 times before we caught the magic train coming at the right time

It was a blast

ChrisBConrad27 karma

Hey Victor-Toombs

Steve threw the idea at me and I thought it would be hysterical

Steve is such a great director/writer and cool guy I’d pretty much do anything he suggests

But I was all in anyway because the premise of someone walking nude into a police station was brilliant

I “got ready” by reading a bunch of conflicting reports online from bodybuilding websites on how to look ripped before a performance

Some said water some said no water so I was like what the fuck? Ultimately there’s only so many crunches you can do before game time

And i actually find being naked quite liberating but it makes going to craft service unusual

ChrisBConrad22 karma

Hi atseasheiscalm

The technically difficult ones are always fun

We do a lot of very intricate shots on Patriot and PG - long oners (scenes shot from only one angle with no coverage shots to cut away to) - so it becomes like a long dance routine where you have to focus for sometimes 5 or 6 minutes in one take. And if there’s any screw ups (camera, sound, wardrobe, actors) then we start over - so the cast n Crew have to dig in and nail it

The long train shot in PatS2 where Dorman exits then gets the gun was fucking amazing to shoot

The city, the boarding of the train the acting - all had to be spot on

ChrisBConrad21 karma

Hi Heuromnemon

Thanks for checking in

Perp Grace is phenomenal so I hope you get to see it

The first thing I can think of re Dennis is I did this little head pat on my crown as sort of a “nervous/excited” quirk

That and a slight glasses adjustment every now and then

ChrisBConrad21 karma

Hey KeyboardRomeo88

Thanks for the kind words. Steve puts together amazing teams. So many components of a great series or movie. Steve’s writing is brilliant and he’s got a very clear vision of the whole thing - he’s definite and confident and yet always flexible to talk with the actors or camera or lighting to hear suggestions or thoughts. It makes it very comfortable to do your best. Steve and I also have a very similar sense of humor and timing so we’re usually on the same page.

P3 would be phenomenal!