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CockGobblin42 karma

You'd be surprised how much money goes to the organization for all these fund raising charities.

Most charities work like thus:

  1. Initial investment, say $1000.
  2. Spend $800 on advertising/wages, spend $100 on events, $100 on charity related projects.
  3. Raise $10,000 from the events.
  4. Spend $8,000 on advertising/wages, $1,000 on events, $1,000 on charity projects.
  5. Raise $100,000 from events.
  6. Spend $80,000 on advertising/wages, etc.

They could've spent the initial $1,000 on charity projects, but it would be difficult to earn addition money for more events. But as long as they spend money on advertising/events/wages, they are going to earn more money to put towards charity agendas, which ends up far outweighing the initial monies they had.

So when a charity spends 80% of the money on internal or events, it is to raise more money via expanding the organization and donation audience. 20% of $10,000 is far less than 20% of $1,000,000. Even if they were to spend $800,000 on internal expenses, they are more likely to create addition revenue to be used to fund more charity projects.

Think of it as a business like Walmart which people use to buy supplies. 1 Walmart will cover a small area of town, but if they use their revenue to build another Walmart, then they can cover a larger area. Rinse and repeat until they cover the entire town/state/country/globe. This is how charities work. If that 1 Walmart doesn't expand, they could lower their prices so their profit is low and the customers get better deals, but in terms of % of the town population, only a small amount will get these deals, and everyone else has to shop at Wallmart which charges 150% more.

CockGobblin34 karma

Spoiler: Harry Potter kills God. Martin says, 'God's not dead' but a liberal evolutionist abortion doctor on scene checked God's pulse and confirmed they were dead.

CockGobblin8 karma

I don't see why he had to mention his business or his sister or any of that when his focus is on the "corrupt legal/jail" system. Or link his business.

With that said, AMA has always been a place for people to market themselves/movies/books/research/investments/etc. AMA are like solicitors for reddit. Always selling something hidden behind a question/answer disguise.

CockGobblin2 karma

I really love cooking and with the pandemic i can cook all the time.

Ever try bat soup?

CockGobblin1 karma

I've been playing on kong since its inception. Nice to see you here.

  1. What are you opinions on available web gaming platforms (ie. flash, unity, java, etc)?
  2. What sort of ad revenue was kong making? How did this trickle down to the devs?
  3. What is the best browser: Internet Explorer, Internet Explorer or Internet Explorer?