Highest Rated Comments

Cromodileadeuxtetes74 karma

How is it considered cheating to count at Blackjack? Obviously it's a solid strategy for winning but unless I'm wrong, someone who's counting is just sitting there and playing the game just like everyone else.

Cromodileadeuxtetes6 karma

Do you think the reservation system is a good idea and that things should keep functioning this way?

Cromodileadeuxtetes2 karma

Before Chivalry, I was a big fan of the more common weapons we see in movies but that game taught me to appreciate polearms. Right now I spend most of my time playing with the regular spear. Once you get the hang of controlling distance it's amazing.

Cromodileadeuxtetes2 karma

I love the groove in ''Mud''.

Cromodileadeuxtetes2 karma

Could we see a picture of your collection?