Highest Rated Comments

CyCl0pSgr3 karma

Why Turtle Entertainment, why Turtle ? ( I mean why you/they choose that name?)

CyCl0pSgr2 karma

Hi, is there any possibility to see some transnational smaller events, like last year's Balkan League, but with more consistency and schedule over the whole year and not just a Summer Tournament?

CyCl0pSgr1 karma

Do you have an ESL profile?

CyCl0pSgr0 karma

The last part is not true. Here in Greece, big companies spent a chunk of money for advertisement, as they do everywhere else in the world. Greece is not that small, and not so poor as a country as they showing us. People of Greece are poor, but they are also passionate and if there is a big event, they will come to watch, they will spare some money in order to do that. And last but not least, Greece is in the Top 10 LoL playing countries!

CyCl0pSgr0 karma

In LoL's Greek Launch Event there were up to 5k people, they came to watch and participate in that Event. I believe that if IEM could make a stop in Greece, there could be more than 5k people, who would come to watch.