Highest Rated Comments

DangerousDetlef83 karma

Because the urgency of the situation makes it necessary and sends a signal that the city acknowledges this urgency. The urgency becomes clear if you take a look at the increase of criminal actives, especially regarding violence, that has happened over the past few months and years. But of course it also has a signaling character: Elections this year, especially in Saxony (our state), have shown that the far right is on the rise. They are still far from being the most powerful group here but people are afraid, and rightly so, given the history of our country.

The declaration in and of itself of course does more than simply stating that "we have a problem". It empowers the city to take measures and focus on issues regarding right-wing activities, including but not limited to:

  • More open and transparent parliament, which enables people to partake in the political processes
  • a focus on more budget for education, especially for children from "disadvantaged" families
  • unconditional support for victims of far-right crime and violence
  • more budget for political and cultural education besides schools
  • more support for art and artists to further social discourse

There are more points the declaration consists of, but I really struggle to correctly translate them all into correct English, I am sorry. If you understand German, you can take a look at them here (PDF).

To summarize, it's not only a declaration - there are measures we want to undertake and hope to fulfill in the next few years. Of course, the details need to be ironed out, but this is expected of a political process such as this. We hope that this marks a starting point this process. We do have the majority of the parliament behind this, so chances are pretty good. Making this happen now is not only the task of the local parliament but also the different committees which specialize in the different areas that this includes (infrastructure, culture, education etc.).

DangerousDetlef60 karma

I think I'd like to have a source for this statement.

DangerousDetlef51 karma

Ever think that a majority of Germans is just sick and tired of some people using their definition of "German custom or culture" to spread hate against foreigners?

DangerousDetlef42 karma

Because right-wing motivated crime has been on the rise for years and is still the most politically motivated crimes in Germany are right-wing crimes by a very great margin (official statistics here).

DangerousDetlef38 karma

That's just the populism the AfD is known for. You don't have any evidence for that statement, since even the experts don't have a conclusive answer for this. The closest we get are the crime statistics regarding political motivated crimes. Here, crimes with religious ideology are only included since 2017. And they were down by half in 2018. Same with foreign ideology, which is up by half since 2017. But there's not enough data on this in 2 years to see a statistical trend.

With right-wing motivated crime however, there is. It has been rising for the last 10 years and is still on a constant high level. By far the most crimes in Germany which have a political background are right-wing motivated (we're talking about 20.000 crimes with a right wing background vs 3.000 with foreign + religious background combined).