Highest Rated Comments

Deadlifted2763 karma

Do you prefer parents playing it straight or interacting with you "in character" so to speak?

Deadlifted257 karma

Dude, racism ended in 1965. Literally the lives of black people are so much better than whites these days. I mean, if you ignore the fact that black people are less wealthy, live shorter lives, have access to worse schools, have worse credit, get harsher penalties than white counterparts, the school to prison pipeline, redlining, blockbusting, penalties for having a black sounding name, and being murdered by the police at a staggering rate, you see how nice black people have it. Most pro athletes are black and black people get to use the n-word.

Deadlifted2 karma

I'm gonna ask two questions on this AMA and then sell the extra on eBay.

I have no money, but I'm always on your website. Why?

What was your favorite/best deal that's even been posted?

Deadlifted2 karma

Keep your head up. My mom was a single mother that could barely keep a roof over our head. It's hard and it sucks, but you have to believe it will get better, it's just a slow, soul-crushing grind when you view it in the micro. I wish you all the best for the holidays.

Deadlifted2 karma

How do you feel about Steph Curry? Where do you stand on the whole argument that he wouldn't be as good in eras where hand checking was allowed?

Also, what's the most rewarding part of the work you do?