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Deathcon9002 karma

What are your thoughts on /u/poem_for_your_sprog and his/her work?

Deathcon9001 karma

Something similar happened to my brother the other day. Our family was flying from Houston to LA, and for some reason, the officer had to search his bag. As she is searching through the bag, she momentarily pauses and pulls out a 12-inch sheath knife. My brother, dumbfounded, had to explain he had forgotten he packed it. Luckily, nothing bad happened, the officer shipped the knife home, and we all had a good laugh.

Deathcon9001 karma

Could you explain the string field theory ELI5 style?

Deathcon9001 karma

Cool, I see. Well we are both well aware of the band, and we like what you do!

Deathcon9000 karma

Matt, a few months ago, my brother was surprised to find that Emery had followed him on Twitter, since he doesn't rub shoulders with you guys. Is following complete strangers something you normally do?

Also, thanks for We Do What We Want. It's a powerful album.