Highest Rated Comments

Dentzu285 karma

Statistically, most straight men enjoy 100% of the cocks they've interacted with.

Dentzu229 karma

riding together on a train full of ducks

I definitely did not read that as it was written.

Dentzu19 karma

Technically, death is when the bodies brain functions and physical systems stop working. Your brain can stop working while your body powers on (brain death), but if your physical body stops working your brain quickly follows.

It's very possible you actually died three times (as in no detectable brain activity/body functions), and it's equally possible that your body called it quits before getting restarted but your brain still had measurable activity (not quite the definition of death, but like horseshoes and hand grenades, close enough counts).

Dentzu3 karma

Invention is organic. It works by 'breeding' your designs for the best possible mix of qualities and iterating over and over again until something works well under the stress around its purpose; vis., evolution.

As evolution seeks to adapt the qualities of a species to the stress of its environment and purpose, so too does invention seek to adapt the technologies (read: the capabilities, ability to live) of the human race to its growing problems. As long as we don't kill every single human being on Earth in a very short manner of time, eventually, invention (as evolution) will provide constant advancements in human quality of life and ability to live in adverse environments.

The Malthusian objection is flawed because there will always be adversities the human race must adapt to as it continues to advance technologically, socially, culturally, and evolutionarily, and given time, technological advancement will help solve those problems (and as things go, create new ones in the process). Pointing those adversities out serves a purpose, but that purpose is not as an argument against futurism or technological advancements or the reliance upon technology by humanity.


Malthusian objections are weak because you're pointing out the 'flaws' that make the system of evolution/technological advancement work.

Dentzu2 karma

How'd your boyfriend break out of the friend zone?