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Doomed73 karma

Valve & Bethesda caused a huge uproar when they wanted to make a Steam community market for Skyrim mods. The idea was that mods could be sold through there. Mod creators would get a cut of the money, and both Bethesda and Valve would get a cut as well.

  • Bethesda - 45 percent
  • Valve - 30 percent
  • Modders - 25 percent

This all ties into the Skyrim EULA and various other notions of ownership in video games.

Question: What's the legal status of mods? If I open a site called "Mod Zone" and want to sell Skyrim mods with a 70-30 split between me and the mod creator, what is the legal basis for Bethesda unleashing legal fury on my site?

Can mods ever be covered under fair use? Do EULAs automatically nullify fair use, thus preventing the sale of any mod made on a game with a restrictive EULA?

What about mods for games distributed without EULAs? Like the first Super Mario Bros.?

Doomed35 karma

Have you ever thought of syndicating your g-rated comics or otherwise creating a separate-but-equal experience for prudes who also like comics?

Doomed20 karma

With THQ, it wasn't about the money - they wanted to raise awareness of their brands. It increases the auction value of the Saints Row franchise if you can say "5 million people just downloaded Saints Row 3 in the past week".

Doomed9 karma

Genji's cocoon sometimes creates some unintended behavior.

As a Derpl main, many characters often give me trouble. Ayla, Vinnie, or any other character that can fly is a decent counter to Derpl. That's fine. However, the Derpl vs. Genji matchup seems to be completely unbalanced. Notably, we have not found one Awesomenauts player who thinks the current Derpl cocoon behavior is fair or a good idea.

You pay 290 / 300 / 590 Solar for Shields that are nullified by one 135 Solar skill, which is a debuff (according to the game), by the way, that has almost as low a cooldown as Siege Mode does, around a second more, including Siege switching times and both cooldowns.

Joost has said:

This is a little weird, but it is as intended. We throw away all shields when Cocoon starts. If you feel this gives balance/gameplay problems and should be changed, feel free to discuss it in the Balance & Tactics forum.

[later] We'll look into these! I still think loosing shield after Cocoon isn't a big deal, but I'll ask our designers to look into that, and maybe they'll agree with you that it needs fixing.

So, what's the status? Why is it a good idea to negate shields on a character who is already stationary, and who is already not as versatile as some of the better characters?


Drones disappearing when Voltar is cocooned is not a bug, it is a choice. You may of course argue that it is a bad choice, but this is the wrong subforum for that.

Can you elaborate on how Voltar losing up to 4 drones from one attack is a good balance choice? Perhaps the cocoon should leave Voltar with 2 drones if he had 2 or more drones before being cocooned, or one drone if he only had one to start with.

Doomed6 karma

We should play sometime. :)

All* the flying characters I've found are great at getting around my traps. If I'm already in siege mode when a flying person comes at to me, my ridiculously slow "leaving siege mode" animation usually means I'm dead.

*If my traps are in hidden or very clever spots, sometimes we can do great things with them. Or the flying characters are just terrible.