Highest Rated Comments

DoorkMatter22 karma

I've never heard of you before, but that right there convinced me to go check out your comics. I think I'll like them.

DoorkMatter8 karma

Ha, I just considered buying the game, and now you do an AMA - that's a sign, right? :)

DoorkMatter5 karma

Okay now I feel seriously bad for living in China for half a year and not learning the language :c Oh well! I'll just have to go pick up a few Chinese friends, I know there are a lot of Chinese people around here :)

DoorkMatter4 karma

I just watched a video saying that the reason it's not advised to use blocks of wood is that it's impossible to see what's going on in there, so you can't see if you've got a parasitic wasp infection or things like that so over time they may become really unhealthy. I don't know about bamboo though.

DoorkMatter2 karma

Did she make it?