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DrOpossum5 karma

Great AMA - love penguins and recently published a paper with collaborators regarding climate change in Australia and the impact on parasite infections in Little Blues.

My question is with the increase in traffic to Antarctica, both research and tourist, is there concern about about spread of Infection Bursal Disease Virus to these large penguin populations? Do you think climate change will contribute to an expansion in viruses and disease vectors in penguin populations that previously had little risk because of the environmental conditions?


Edit: grammar

DrOpossum3 karma

What was the sort of education/training you had in order to get to your position?

DrOpossum1 karma

I'm curious - do you know what mutation you have, and if so, did your parents know they were carriers?

My second question is a little more personal - a friend of mine growing up had CF and her mother and father felt guilty for passing it to her and ended up in a pretty bad divorce. How have your parents coped with the diagnosis and do you think they feel any guilt?

DrOpossum1 karma

Glad to hear that your parents are focusing on making sure you stay healthy and hopefully not blaming themselves.