Highest Rated Comments

Dr_Cares28 karma

How do you take your bourbon?

Dr_Cares28 karma

I tried to offer evidence proving my filtered (all 5 stars) reviews were not solicited or fake, and I was basically told to fuck myself. I understand the concept behind a filtering algorithm, but to refuse to acknowledge that it (obviously) isn't correct all the time, and then work with a business owner who relies on sites like yelp to reflect their work, is appalling. Yelp is a bullshit company that is hurting small businesses everywhere.

Dr_Cares2 karma

Holy shit that bird is interesting. Until as late as 1992, they would kill themselves soon after being captured or caged. I can't imagine zoo protocol was completely inept during the 80's and early 90's, so is there any particular reason the zoo in Mexico was able to nullify these suicidal tendencies? Awesome looking birds.