Dranzerkai12 karma10/16/2013, 6:52:21 PM
Just how far do you guys plan on taking ERB? Do you want to see it on a world tour, or are you happy where it is now?
How does ERB affect the time you put into your respective solo careers?
Are you guys personally ok with ERB leapfrogging your personal careers?
Btw, great job on ERB also, can't wait for the day you start touring internationally :)
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Dranzerkai12 karma
Just how far do you guys plan on taking ERB? Do you want to see it on a world tour, or are you happy where it is now?
How does ERB affect the time you put into your respective solo careers?
Are you guys personally ok with ERB leapfrogging your personal careers?
Btw, great job on ERB also, can't wait for the day you start touring internationally :)
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