As a tiny preamble, I'd just like to say thanks to both of you: I emailed KC a couple years ago while suffering from depression and got a response that was genuinely helpful, and Dril has always managed to provide a break in the monotony when I need one. Keep doing your thing guys.
My actual question is a bit generic unfortunately. To both of you: what is your favorite part about working on the SBAHJ book, your comics/chronic twitter-posting, or both?
DrewLinky73 karma
As a tiny preamble, I'd just like to say thanks to both of you: I emailed KC a couple years ago while suffering from depression and got a response that was genuinely helpful, and Dril has always managed to provide a break in the monotony when I need one. Keep doing your thing guys.
My actual question is a bit generic unfortunately. To both of you: what is your favorite part about working on the SBAHJ book, your comics/chronic twitter-posting, or both?
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