Highest Rated Comments

Echkalai2 karma

How much lava does a volcano spew out during an eruption event? Is there any way to predict the amount before, during, or after a volcano erupts?

Echkalai2 karma

How many volcanologists get injured every year? Are there any statistics on injuries or fatalities in the volcanology community?

Echkalai2 karma

Are there any online forums, blogs, or websites for amateurs to follow what is happening in the volcanology community?

Echkalai2 karma

Considering there is a significant amount of energy and resources in a magmatic chamber of a volcano, are there any research groups working on tapping the potential in a controlled manner for us to benefit from in some form? Or is the whole thing too chaotic?

Echkalai2 karma

Can similar events that created the large igneous provinces like the deccan and siberian traps occur again?