Highest Rated Comments

Echoscurvydog6 karma

I still have your cassette tapes, and have a decent number of your albums on mp3 too! My mom and I had our ringtones set to banana phone for a while too, thanks for being such a big part of my childhood!

Echoscurvydog2 karma

My dog! She is my best friend and companion!


Echoscurvydog2 karma

Squeeeeeee! Smiley face reply from th man himself! Eeeee!

Echoscurvydog1 karma

Oh my gosh I love it! It totally shows off her personality! Even though most of the time she looks grumpy! Eeek! Im sooooo happy!

Echoscurvydog1 karma

I don't know if your still answering qiestions, but where can I find more information about the Vikings from fresia (sp?) My dad says we are decedent's from them.