Highest Rated Comments

Enjoying_A_Meal13 karma

Clearly many different people will want many different things, ranging from secession from China, to following the 50 year agreement, to other demands. So to the best of your knowledge, can you:

  1. Tell us the most popular demands from the Hong Kong people.
  2. How likely do you think these demands will be accepted?
  3. If they are not accepted, what do you think the Chinese government will do realistically?
  4. what are the long term plans either way, like after the 50 year period is up?

Thank you for sharing with us and good luck!

Enjoying_A_Meal8 karma

Thank you. These are very reasonable and completely justified demands from the Hong Kong people, and I support you guys and will defiantly share this with other people! Good luck!

Enjoying_A_Meal1 karma

how do you know this person's a lady?

Enjoying_A_Meal1 karma

What seems to be the most important issues among average citizens in China these days?

How's the outlook for the next few years?

What are people most worried about?