Ershany3 karma2017-10-27 05:22:14 UTC
Hi Richard, as an aspiring graphics programmer who really adores your games and really likes Naughty Dog.
Do you have any advice to increase my chances of landing a job when I finish University in 2 years?
I am currently working on my own graphics engine and improving my maths skills, but I would appreciate any advice!
Also your game looks really cool, I hope it goes well!
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Ershany3 karma
Hi Richard, as an aspiring graphics programmer who really adores your games and really likes Naughty Dog.
Do you have any advice to increase my chances of landing a job when I finish University in 2 years?
I am currently working on my own graphics engine and improving my maths skills, but I would appreciate any advice!
Also your game looks really cool, I hope it goes well!
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