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ExplodingToasterOven21 karma
I'll give you a hint on that one. More to Epstein that just that guy. He networked, he was part of a whole CULTURE. All the people he hired, all those friends of friend of friends like him, they're still out there doing their thing.
As long as idiots blather about 14-17 year old girls being abused/whored out being a "pedophile" case, people will be looking for those abusing 7-12 year old kids. They won't be looking for those recruiting teens/young adults for internships, training programs, work study co-ops, and then finding out their main purpose is to be a piece of ass for old creepers with money.
That's part of the misdirection. Also people generally don't care what teens are bitching about. If they're being paid $1200 a month to be someones "pool cleaner", show up back home claiming to be sick and dizzy. Parent just says they have to be careful with the pool chemicals. Yeah, uh huh. And watch out for the old man putting roofies, ambiene, etc in your drinks. Then him and his friends pounding you in the ass when you're blacked out.
And the people scouting for these kids, its dead easy. Look for negligent parents, a kid who's sort of outcast, that nobody cares about. Your classic about to be a school shooter case. And then hook them up with a "job" that has some party scene benefits, get away from their shitty parents, maybe put away some money their parents don't just steal and spend on booze/drugs. And off to the races we go. If they run to the cops, the cops will look for the easy out. Oh, little miss "I been raped and drugged" was caught with weed, got popped for shoplifiting a few times, and got written up for cutting class many many times. Even got put into an "at risk" program at school. We'll just put these "rape allegations" in the ole circular file and tell the kid they'll be arrested if they don't stop lying..
Doesn't take a genius to exploit an already fucked up social system. Recruiting teens to be your personal sex toys, that's been going on for tens of thousands of years by the wealthy and powerful on down to just local creepers. If the kids are nobodies, oh well. Guess at least they've been "saved" from a life of flipping burgers and cranking out welfare kids they'll say.
ExplodingToasterOven6 karma
Remember, we're talking WILD tobacco grown in a garden, and cured in a sun-dried pile somewhere.
Commercial tobacco is fed a shitload of rock phosphate, which is loaded with Polonium-210, an alpha emitter which helps fry your lungs. It's also processed into "tobacco paper" and shredded, reconstituted, and treated with ammonia compounds to help push the nicotine into your body and give it an extra kick.
You'll also have some stains for casual smoking, and other strains that will give you a serious kick in the ass nicotine wallop. It's about the same style of cultivation as you use for tomatoes, or anything else in the nightshade family.
Such as daturas. Once grew some AWESOME daturas, one I clipped the leaves on every week or so to motivate it to make more and more alkaloids. And oh boy did it! Had 5 tomato worms on the thing, all of them DEAD. Figured it was going to be some real good smoking, and it was. Only problem, after caring for the plants so much, handling, prepping, drying, my liver and body compensated considerably for the toxins in the leaves.
So, not much buzz on those. Leaves were nicely cured though, so pretty good smoking flavor wise, got a little color perk from the scopolamine, that was about it.
Tobacco, even with a monocrop situation, you'll need to blend batches of leaves from different crops to get consistent flavor/aroma.
Gonna be the same thing with having small crops, different batches, different growing seasons. Some batches are better than others. The shaman is gonna be the one to decide, ok, need a more mellow one for this group, or a more harsh one for this group, etc, etc.
Nicotine also works on a certain set of receptors which can inhibit or potentiate different things in the mind. If you end up with a mix of things that's too energetic, you might have something that's good for show, but is too chaotic for people to really immerse themselves in it, and have time to contemplate what's going on. You also might want to go light on a batch if the situation seems to call for it.
Anyway, if you habitually use tobacco, the chemistry will alter how your lungs function, and pretty much how all the other organs function. It's going to involve an extensive amount of stress, and the fungal byproducts from curing, the irritation from anything added to the cure, like sal amoniac to free more nicotine, etc. So, lung cancer will happen. The rates of lung cancer are going to be tied to the general propensity for cancer from a given set of germ lines in that tribe.
All that will be tied to their overall diet, working conditions, exposure to industrial chemicals, farm chemicals, etc. Same down there as up in the North Hemisphere. No magical anti-cancer cures I'm afraid.
ExplodingToasterOven269 karma
The sad truth is, a cell phone that you speak on, once you blab maybe 2 minutes, is enough to get a hash on your voiceprint, even if encrypted. This can be done across millions of streams of voice data with relatively little trouble. The patent for this has been in the clear for something like over 10 years now.
Your patterns of behavior, routines, word choices, favorite places to eat, product choices, all this can narrow you down pretty fast. In the 40-50s, human intelligence might be able to use this to find a high value fugitive inside of a few months to years.
Now county governments are brazen enough to use casual data mining to hunt down dog owners so they can hit them for $250 licensing fines. http://komonews.com/news/local/king-county-using-grocery-store-data-to-target-pet-owners
All this is thanks in part to loyalty card info, and other data skimmed when you go shopping. So, if nothing else, when someone has a relative die or go into the retirement home, snag their loyalty cards and use the shit out of em. Swap them from person to person on a periodic basis.
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