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FLINTMurdaMitn14 karma

I have gallbladder issues and I am afraid to even try keto because of the amount of fat and other things in the diet that can trigger a gallbladder attack.

I have been to the Dr. and even had an ultrasound done but they say there is nothing wrong with it.

When I am in severe pain I know something is wrong that is for sure. I am thinking Cholecystitis might be the issue and need to talk to my Dr. about this.

Any suggestions or advice about keto and gallbladder issues?

FLINTMurdaMitn8 karma

Why do people keep producing high THC / low CBD strains? From my understanding this is not the best for your mental health as the plant naturally has a balance between the two. Basically we are creating a higher probability of adverse reactions when this is done. Why wouldn't we beable to produce a plant with higher amounts of both to counteract the bad reactions. I get it, people want to get super high but in all actuality by doing this we are taking out the balance and creating a problem. Also anytime we do this we creat a sever problem with any "drug", just look at cocaine and crack and opium and heroin. The coca leaf in itself is a non problematic plant alone, as soon as we concentrate it then a problem occurs, the poppy plant is almost the same.

FLINTMurdaMitn5 karma

No answer yet, but I fear I might be in the same boat as you.

FLINTMurdaMitn1 karma

I'll look into it. It's super weird as I will be fine and can eat anything I want for the most part and then boom, one day I am in extreme pain out of nowhere.

It's really frustrating to be honest, two weeks ago I had an episode where I could feel it coming on but nothing for a few days but I felt something there and then I had an attack that lasted for a hour or so and then it was done but I still had the same feeling as before for the rest of the week.

Woke up on Sunday and nothing and have been fine.

The weird thing is I can go a year and not have anything and then out of nowhere it happens.

Thanks for the suggestion, I will look into this more.