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Fckyouflipflops8 karma

Advice for a 20 year old who really can't figure what he thinks is the best thing to study in school that will most benefit him as a screenwriter?

Fckyouflipflops3 karma

Is there any project you guys recently REALLY wanted and didn't get?

Fckyouflipflops3 karma

If you COULD DO Power Rangers, how would you do it? I wrote a Power Rangers script when I was 16 and it was like: The Breakfast Club + Zordon of Eltar.

Fckyouflipflops2 karma

Have you guys pitched anything recently that wasn't already an established property? That was just out of the brains of you two?

Fckyouflipflops1 karma

I'm 19, I just moved to LA to take a gap year, some time off from school to just write. I WILL make movies one day, I'm so sure of it, that I'm just exploding with excitement being here in this city, I love it. But, with this year or two off before school, what would you think would be the best way to get as much experience as possible in this industry, other than writing all day, before I DO go to school? Thanks for answering if you do!! <3