Highest Rated Comments

FiletMcShay104 karma

Hello Mr.Shuttleworth,

Although I am unfamiliar with Ubuntu (and Linux in general), I am excited to see it's popularity rise, as this means more competition, which creates better products.

My question is: As someone who is an iOS user, why should I buy an Ubuntu phone?


FiletMcShay11 karma

Any blogs in particular you recommend?

FiletMcShay5 karma

what would you say the demographic of your customers is? Are they mainly Chinese, or foreigners? Young, old, men, women, etc etc

FiletMcShay1 karma

Ok I am so glad you guys are getting a show, because I loved you guys on AGT! I believe you have an act that can truly be successful anywhere.

Anyways I hope your Kickstarter turns out successful!

Good luck and hope to be seeing one of your shows soon!

FiletMcShay1 karma

Hmm okay, I'll do some more research on ETFs and see. Thanks for your advice