Highest Rated Comments

FletchedUp31 karma

Hey Max, good luck! What kind of mental prep do you go through before an event to help ensure you are ready to be the best?

FletchedUp2 karma

Shit, we can never have pizza together. Worst Wednesday of the year.

FletchedUp2 karma

Can you tell us about your STD from the silent film era?

For real though, whats your favorite pizza topping?

FletchedUp1 karma

Glad you are doing well, I can't imagine the experience you went through. My thoughts go to you and your family.

While receiving treatment what were the conditions like? We're you transported to a major facility or were you kept close to home.

Also what would you like the rest of the world to know about your country, and the ebola situation affecting you?

Thank you for doing this AMA.

FletchedUp-1 karma

Hi Ashley, I think its pretty rad you skate to Pink Floyd. Any hints on the music selections for 2018?

Also...best place to eat Mexican food in SoCal, and why is it San Diego?