Highest Rated Comments

FlyingSaucered11 karma

I can't upvote this enough

FlyingSaucered5 karma

I upvoted and un-upvoted, just so I could upvote again. Also I read it out loud at work just as a customer was walking in. Yay for customer service!

FlyingSaucered3 karma

It's a date. I'll meet at your house tomorrow night. I already know where it is. Nice shirt, by the way.

FlyingSaucered2 karma

I'm not sure if you're still reading this, but I wanted to let you know that I remember what a bunch of dicks teenagers can be. They see you as some sort of threat so they try to break you down. I went through it for totally different reasons, I just wanted to make sure you know (warning: cliche ahead) it really does get better. Once your out of school, the jokes slow down tremendously, as do the stares, the snide comments, and the general rudeness. What you're left with is respectful questions and comments, and the occasional child in a grocery store yelling "MOM! Look at HER!!" But that's kinda funny when it happens, because the mom gets SO embarrassed.
You seem to have a good head on your shoulders. Just stay positive.
And if you are still answering questions, what do you want to be when you grow up?

FlyingSaucered1 karma

I'm not proud, but I had to google that. I should probably stop fast forwarding through commercials so I can actually know what's happening in the world.
edit Forgot this is an AMA, so what's you favorite cereal and why?