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FrMark272 karma

You sure about that, dawg?


Also, you going to demilitarize the police too because they don't need M16s and MRAPS and the like either and are a bigger danger to most citizens, esp POC, than a mass shooting

FrMark88 karma

I wanted to become a Jesuit when I was younger. My uncle told me "Don't become a Jesuit; you'll lose your faith." Years later, now a former Catholic and no longer hip to JC, I understand what he meant. I got to a point where I'd learned enough/went so far down the theology rabbithole that I couldn't logically assent to a belief in exclusive monotheism anymore.

Do you think this is common among Jesuits? Like did you meet a lot of other Jesuits who you knew, or at least suspected, had stopped believing but stuck around anyways because, aside from the celibacy, it's a pretty cushy life?