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FroggiJoy875 karma

Can I ask what dialysis is like? My husband had a liver transplant this year and still needs a kidney as well which he's currently waiting for. I'm not allowed to see him and we haven't been able to talk since March, before his first transplant, but he's been on dialysis since then and I have absolutely no idea what it's all about! I'm dying for some direct, first-hand accounts on wtf he's been going though. I know you're not the same and not in The States but I'll take any sort of insight. Also, with luck, we will be together again someday, as a partner, any tips on what to expect?

FroggiJoy873 karma

Thank you for getting back to me, I'm glad it's painless. Hope you're doing well and staying healthy and safe.

FroggiJoy872 karma

Or Reno! We got pot and hookers!