Highest Rated Comments

FunkyHenryGale409 karma

I worked a haunted house with a guy who had both arms amputated. He was the BEST to work with, since he'd make the perfect distraction. He'd play like a mannequin, people would come in and go "Is he a real person?" "No way he's real, look, he's got no arms!" Then I'd come charging them, and he would move towards them. They never saw it coming.

Also, mind me asking what haunted house you work at?

FunkyHenryGale5 karma

What's it like dating a rainbow space alien?

FunkyHenryGale3 karma

I saw you conduct Baba Yetu in LA awhile back, and it absolutely gave me chills. Fantastic work.

If you could compose music for the next game in any video game franchise, which would it be and why?

FunkyHenryGale3 karma

So back in December 2007 or 2008 (fuzzy on the year), I went with some college friends and we got our pictures with Minnie in front of the big hat in Studios. I did a so-so Mickey impression and walked up to Minnie saying "Oh boy Minnie, I've been waiting all day to see you!" or something. She acted surprised, gave me a kiss on the cheek, and did a "Shhhh, don't tell Mickey!" motion. Been a running joke that Minnie is cheating on Mickey with me ever since.

....So was this you?

http://imgur.com/6HszMvQ (Excuse the fedora, it was a phase in college) http://imgur.com/ofbbdWE

FunkyHenryGale1 karma

How do you keep your cool when people start pushing their bunk on you? I get so frustrated when people, including family members, try to convince me that their thing is legit. I try to remain calm and explain to them what's going on from a skeptical point of view, but it often goes nowhere and I wind up getting extremely frustrated with it.