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Future-Turtle2575 karma

Hello Mr. Gates,

2015 will mark the 30th anniversary of Microsoft Windows. What do you think the next 30 years holds in terms of technology? What will personal computing will look like in 2045?

Future-Turtle12 karma

Hey Patton! Were you familiar with the character of Space Cabbie before being cast in Justice League Action? Who are your favorite comic characters?

Future-Turtle2 karma

Hi Grant! A couple of questions...

1.) What is one artist / character you haven't yet worked with yet that you'd like to?

2.) As a writer, what's the best way to begin making headway into the world of comics writing? What do you wish you'd known starting out?

Thank you for the many hours of enjoyment I've gotten from your work!

Future-Turtle2 karma

Neat! I thought it was awesome that the show decided to make such a deep cut character a semi regular. Loving your voice bringing him to life!