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G4M3R_1173 karma

I'm going to take another look at everything tonight once I get out of the aitport, but this seems kind of interesting.

I was a guinea pig for a diabeties study and ended up talking to another PhD student who was working with brown fat and how to either stop/slow the progression of brown to white as humans age or to ideally reverse the process to create brown fat in those who may have very little of it. You're saying that just inducing mild-cold on a repeated and regular basis can condition white fat to transforn to brown? That'd be cool.

Note I'm by no means educated on this at-all so its entirely possible I've misinterperated your or the students information. :P

On a different note, 1800Icevest.com is just a terrible marketing choice imo. Reminds me too much of the whole shakeweight and infomercial products which I (and I assume many others who would be interested) just makes me assume you're product is actually bunk. That being said, marketing science to the average consumer is pretty fucking difficult eh?

G4M3R_1173 karma

I don't know if this has been asked or answered anywhere else yet, but are there going to be recordings of Brain Candy Live made available either during or after tour? I ask because I live in Australia (which you should come back to some time), and I would love to see some Brain Candy- slightly less live.

G4M3R_1172 karma

I'm not sure if you have ever read the book but your situation reminded me of Chinese Cinderella... Anyway, I was going to ask how the kids all treat each other, do you notice it to be distinctly different than western countries, or do the kids act almost the same? I read about that kid wiping his flemmy mask around you... Thats completely fucked, sorry you have to go through that kind of crap for another family.