Highest Rated Comments

Game_of_Jobrones246 karma

Everyone commits crimes.

Thanks, I'll use this as my defense when I'm in court for my crimes.

Game_of_Jobrones23 karma

I think he defense is "everybody commits crimes except me, why aren't you looking at everyone else?"

Game_of_Jobrones23 karma

That's going to be my defense in court. "Your so-called Honor, mere statistically probability says that the jurors sitting in judgement of me are guilty of criminality themselves! As are you, Your Honor! Also I do not recognize the authority of a court that hangs the gold-fringed flag. A flag with gilded edges is the flag of an admirality court. An admirality court signifies a naval court-martial. I cannot be court-martialled twice. That is all."

(me sitting down: "Nailed it.")

Game_of_Jobrones9 karma

It’s common for these professors to roll onto campus in their Bentleys and park next to their co-worker’s Volvo. 

What campus did you guys go to school on?

Game_of_Jobrones1 karma

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