Highest Rated Comments

Gameiki2 karma

Hey, I want to give some advice... You are trying to hit your goal on kickstarter and that is probably the reason for the ama.... so why don't you add the link to the description.... there is no pride in failure.... you are very close to missing your kickstarter goal.............. lose the pride, add the link.... Link

Edit: Also your game looks like shit and you are in desperate need of someone to head up your marketing department. I'm sorry to be so forward but you need a healthy dose of reality on this project. You are basically getting backers from your name on previous projects. I'm a total asshole but everything I just said is true and I wish you the best.

Good luck - someone in the industry.

Gameiki2 karma

You are perfectly in line with the rules to link your kickstarter somewhere in the post. You just can't respond to every single question with answers related to whatever you are trying to get funding on. The only reason I brought it up is that you are on track to miss your kickstarter goal by $19,000. http://screencast.com/t/fMgYUsnu81

I loved a lot of your music but whoever is doing your marketing needs to wake up. Such bad presentation

Anyone who is half decent at marketing should have this project over $100k by now.