Highest Rated Comments

Gamer_ely49 karma

he's also in the cool group already

Gamer_ely29 karma

Hello, I thank you for doing this. Do you have any advice on getting involved with non profits? Is there a best way to help out? I worry if I donate money it won’t be as helpful as donating time.

Gamer_ely4 karma

Thanks for taking the time to do this AMA! My Mom is a HUGE iron chef fan and she'd be so jealous of me right now. How difficult is it keeping up with the latest food fads (gluten free, etc.) and since becoming the Iron Chef how has your life changed in regards to being a chef?

Gamer_ely2 karma

Hello there Robyn, thanks for taking a second to answer our questions! Not sure if this has been answered but what was your reaction when they essentially switched out actors for the one character? I believe it was a guy with glasses at first and then changed to a guy who sounded like they pulled him off the street and wasn't sure of his lines yet. You had to think "well... should we re-shoot some things?"

Gamer_ely1 karma

I don't have a problem talking to girls/being confident in my body language, stance, etc. What I seem to have a problem with is maintaining interest, I can get a first date but after that they usually just drift away or lose interest or just slowly stop talking to me altogether, do you have knowledge of this phenomena?