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GeneralRose38 karma

How often do southern college students have no idea about safe sex practices? Stereotypically its a more religious part of the nation and the god squad aren't exactly known for being overtly sexual.

GeneralRose11 karma

A very informative response. Thanks for your time.

GeneralRose3 karma

What are today's lunch plans?

GeneralRose3 karma

Hello Patrick. I just wanted to start out by saying that as Captain Picard you provided a really positive role model when I was growing up. Thank you so much.

I'd also like to that you for the wonderful Christmas memories I have with my family watching A Christmas Carol (starring you and Richard E Grant). It's a tradition to watch your adaptation each year.

On a more serious note, which of the many roles that you've played, from Picard to King Claudius, is the most meaningful to you?

GeneralRose2 karma

Ugh, Renegades is literally one of the worst fan films I've ever seen. Tim Russ learned nothing from Of Gods and Men