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Gingivitis_Khan39 karma

Thoughts on Justin Amash? Not as a presidential candidate, but as a person and a Congressman.

Gingivitis_Khan2 karma

The problem, in my view, is that unions are forced to represent people who don't pay dues. That puts us in a weird situation where, either we force people to pay dues even if the don't want to be represented, or the unions are representing people for free, which isn't fair for them.

Gingivitis_Khan2 karma

A little off topic, but I think a good way to try and stop human trafficking would be to go at it from the demand side. Legalizing prostitution provides a safer, legal alternative and get rid of the need to go through an illegal and potentially coersive process. Thoughts?

Gingivitis_Khan1 karma

Thank you for the long and detailed answer, especially when it comes to veterans and the military! I have a follow-up though. Have you given any thought to what percentage tax rates you'd support? Significantly lower than we have now? About the same? Would you raise the tax rate for anyone, other than just closing loopholes?

Gingivitis_Khan1 karma

Which position would you take as a part of this national discussion? Do you believe that the NSA's collection of metadata is necessary for protection? A violation of our privacy?