Highest Rated Comments

GlassOnion4202 karma

One: kudos on making good on mom's wager. You done good soldier.

Second: Your AI research is with helping identify firearm threats, which is fantastic technology. However, how much encroachment into our personal lives do you see AI going and how can we be assured that it is being used for good and not for spying on citizens a la China? I dig the tech. It just has some worrisome side effects to it.

GlassOnion4202 karma

How do you get past mental blocks, the "I just don't feel it", the uninspired times, and all the things that come along with writing a book.

I've been working on a book for quite a very long time. But I find that I only write when I am "in the mood" or really inspired. But given that pace, it may never get published.

How do you get through all of that?

GlassOnion4201 karma

Do you sincerely believe that even with conservation, pollution control, renewables, recycling et al, that we are really going to make a livable difference for future generations?

I don't want to sound like an Dr. Doomsday but from my viewpoint, globally these things will never come to fruition. That is not to say that we should not try to be good caretakers, but there are so many obstacles in the way...namely political.

Frankly speaking, I am old enough to be "on my way out" that most of what I foresee happening will probably not impact me severely. However, generations being born today are going to see unspeakable things.

GlassOnion4201 karma

What percentage of people "overseas" as in not US bound, do you find already at least know several languages enough to conversate? In the US, for us being a melting pot, we sure do cling to a singular language. When I was overseas, I was the Idiot Abroad because I only spoke English, well that and Patois, and maybe still a couple other West Indian dialects.