Highest Rated Comments

GregWeiner34 karma

I always best him in arguments. Always.

GregWeiner28 karma

It's like A Boy Named Sue. You develop gravel in your gut and spit in your eye.

GregWeiner27 karma

That's not a denial.

GregWeiner22 karma

There is a tradition among Senate staffers and it goes like this. The day after you leave, you have to say it used to be better back in the old days. That said, it used to be better back in the old days. As recently as the 1990s, staffers were supposed to be neither seen nor heard; now they want to be celebrities. Senators had a rule that they never insulted each other in public; now staff insult senators in public. Man, do I sound crotchety.

GregWeiner22 karma

The bastard is cleverer than I am and I resent him for it.