Highest Rated Comments

GroupiesMetatron82 karma

I'd think that they would feel more violated because of the fullness of the physical/emotional response that was forced upon them. An orgasm has an emotional component to it, and I would think that reaching orgasm reaches deeper into a person's being. I can imagine that they feel in a way "engaged" as a participant resulting in greater guilt.

GroupiesMetatron42 karma

Wow. You've come a long way. You get my respect for that.

GroupiesMetatron21 karma

I can imagine that you have a much greater awareness of what is truly important, making it seem like the bullshit is amplified and truly futile. I can empathize because I got to a point in my life, where everybody's everyday bullshit was just something I did NOT want to deal with. I still have trouble, and I've been pretty antisocial and nervous until recently, because I just didn't feel like I could relate when all people seem to do is talk bullshit constantly. Especially when people are hateful and spiteful. I just didn't want to be around them anymore, even if it's not directed at me. I had to see my doctor and get on some medication because I didn't want to just be a hermit. Now it's better and I'm learning to express myself and be more assertive, not just let people walk all over me and avoid life.

GroupiesMetatron21 karma

I hope you've come out with an appropriate amount of confidence having made so much progress. You should be proud.