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GrumpleKelkins16 karma

Yeah...pretty much only answering questions related to the show he's promoting.

GrumpleKelkins5 karma

Do you think gems will ever go out of fashion? Or would you say they are timeless? Because people will never get sick of shiny things?

GrumpleKelkins3 karma

Would you say the only reason why gems and metals such as gold are prized as status symbols is because they look neat/shiny? Because most of these gems/metals don't seem to have any practical application or use for the average layperson at all.

GrumpleKelkins2 karma

Does cancer ever get cancer?

GrumpleKelkins2 karma

Yes, but these items were still highly valued thousands of years ago before things like drill bits, cameras, CPUs, etc existed. So did they have any practical applications back then too? Because gold is really soft and I can't really see it being of much actual use (before chemistry had advanced).