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HBK4258112 karma

What was it like growing up with the guy who directed 'American Werewolf in London' , 'Animal House' and 'Coming to America' as your father?

HBK4258112 karma

Did you ever consider giving yourself a stage name to avoid the shadow of your pops? (ie: Joe Hill.) What advice would you give to aspiring screen writers? Hoping to get out to see the flick soon.

HBK4258111 karma

Did you purposely say that the Death of Superman issue was in Action Comics and not Superman just to prove that you really don't give a shit about Superman? ;-)

HBK425819 karma

My question was in jest, of course. But, some dude on the SupermanHomepage.com news site wrote a big sad article about the video. I enjoyed it immensely (and I'm a huge Superman fan.)

HBK425819 karma

Enjoyed the video, I mean. Best 20 minutes I ever spent on Youtube.