Highest Rated Comments

Halbrium8 karma

I wish I had read this while I was still GMing.

People playing LOTS are no good. Super hardcore people are useless. What happens is they play loads and loads, then they gain lots of items. Then within 8-16 months, they take a look in the mirror and don’t like what they see (someone who hasn’t left the house for those months) and then they quit. They just plain vanish with all the gear they got.

Wow, this is incredibly apt.

Halbrium8 karma

Have you done any studies on "guild" social dynamics? Not many real world instances exist where you organize a team for the purpose of gaining an intangible reward (loot), which sole purpose to to require more of that reward? I have led a few guilds and to me it felt similar to what I imagine being a cult leader would be like.

Halbrium7 karma

"Wow! I'm Mr. Famous."

"Well famous, we just say famous."

Halbrium2 karma

You should never traumatize a woman sexually. I should know, I'm a medical doctor. I own a mansion and a yacht.

Halbrium1 karma

I know this is kind of a huge topic, but I have heard both you and David talk about restructuring the U.S. government. Do you think we would be better served with a parliamentary system to circumvent the type of gridlock we currently face? Do you see any way this could ever happen?

PS. Live gabfest should come to Austin.