Highest Rated Comments

HandsomeDynamite31 karma

Have you read the books? Who is your favorite character?

HandsomeDynamite10 karma

Are you trying not to laugh in the video? Way to keep your cool, you have a new fan here.

HandsomeDynamite8 karma

How does one get into blacksmithing as profession? I've asked a few people and they just said they "fell into it" or "got lucky". Is there a school with a comprehensive smithing program?

Are you going to specialize in anything, like weapons?

Favorite Fantasy dwarf?

HandsomeDynamite7 karma

What is the Massai fighting style like? Do you have methods for both armed and unarmed combat?

HandsomeDynamite5 karma

What do you think about the book Vikings: A History by Robert Fergusson?

What percentage of Scandinavian peoples were actually vikings (i.e. went and carried out raids on other settlements)? Were women ever included on raids? I read that a burial ground in the northern UK had many men and women buried with weapons, suggesting they did fighting as well.

How strongly would an average viking believed in their gods? Would they actively seek out a death in battle, or was it just like something to remember before the fighting started?

Do we have any evidence of viking fighting styles? I know reenactment groups do their best, but it's really all just guesswork because of the lack of evidence.

How did vikings wear their hair? In Fergusson's book suggests that it was long in front and shorn in the back, which I find difficult to visualize. Is there a modern analogue?