Highest Rated Comments

Harbinger-of13 karma

The joke is about gun control you mongoloid

Harbinger-of3 karma

How much did this cost?

Harbinger-of3 karma

what are your thoughts on the Wii U? also the next gen of consoles, are we just going to get blasted with better graphics or will there be something truly innovative from PS or XBOX? also as a game developer how do you feel about Microsoft possibly destroying the second hand gaming industry?

Harbinger-of2 karma

Can I get an actual recipe for Canada cakes? My friends and I can't seem to get the viscosity right.

Harbinger-of1 karma

Does NASA have an open policy for employees pitching ideas or missions? For instance is someone in control figured out a problem for the rocket development team what would he have to do? Also what your thought on the private space sector? Is this just a novelty/fad or will I be taking my grandkids on day trips to the moon?