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HolyRamenEmperor12 karma

"Elite" is for first-class and business seats. The standard tier for economy/coach is $50/yr.

HolyRamenEmperor6 karma

The Solutions Project would be a great organization to try to partner with on this initiative. They've done millions of dollars worth of research and analysis already, have 100% renewable outlines for every state.

HolyRamenEmperor6 karma

...maybe end Citizens United first? :)

HolyRamenEmperor5 karma

We also need to look at cost drivers of housing and work to produce more lower cost housing.

In Boulder? Demolition of stable but dated family housing to make newer, smaller, more-crowded housing and pump yuppies, college kids, and rich parents for all they're worth. Meanwhile kicking out families from the place they've lived for 10 years. Feels so wrong.

HolyRamenEmperor4 karma

Submitted this at town halls but it didn't get picked:

We've seen an increase from progressives in efforts to defend religious tolerance, but there's still massive cultural and governmental momentum to craft public policies based on the doctrines of a single religion. Are there any parts of your plan for Colorado that include bolstering research-based, evidence-backed decision making for state policies?

Sorry for the wide-ranging question, I know a lot of you goals are pro-science and pro-data, just wondering if religion-neutrality in government is something that's ever on your radar.