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HomeWork234511 karma

Thank you very much for the answer!

HomeWork23458 karma

Hi! How to start a business from scratch? It's just that I have knowledge of football and basketball, also an ecologist by education.

HomeWork23454 karma

Hi! What was your most dangerous and extreme journey? And what result did it bring?

HomeWork23454 karma

Hi, John Zuur, I have such a question. Why was it necessary to reshoot the movie "Jurassic Park" if the old movie still looks good? And how do you feel about the fact that all the old films have been reshot?

HomeWork23453 karma

Hello, Richard! Your work is very interesting! I will tell you, as a future scientist, this work will be of great benefit to you and other people in the future. My question is, is there any formula or method that could make it clear the behavior of investors for a particular stock? Thank you in advance!