Highest Rated Comments

Husker19899 karma

Hi Sam, big fan of all your work from BSG to The Force Unleashed. My questions are about The Clone Wars and Maul:

  • What were your thoughts when The Clone Wars decided to bring Maul back to the Star Wars universe?
  • Where did you draw your inspiration from when voicing the character (he didn't speak much in SW: Episode I)?

P.S. You are a f**king incredible actor. Keep up the good work!

Husker19896 karma

Hi Bear, what is your favourite episode of Battlestar Galactica and why?

Husker19896 karma

Everyone loves season 3's finale. So good. Which of course is all thanks to Bear's amazing music but my personal favourites are the Pegasus story arc episodes: Pegasus and Resurrection Ship Parts 1 & Part 2.