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HydraAu4 karma

My question is: Will there be conferences that orient more around hard science (neuroscience, biology, chemistry) in the near future?

For one, I am very impressed by the energy that MAPS presented in early November during the Austin conference. That truly changed my life, so thank you all. Additionally, allowing panels where the audience could ask questions was also very nice as I was able to hear a response to my question about consciousness from Rick Doblin, Betty Aldworth, Paul Stamets, and Natalie Ginsberg.

The only downside I perceived was that the even though the event was Psychedelic SCIENCE Summit there was less hard science than I was expecting. Dr. George Greer‘s work was amongst the most comprehensive, and that is more towards what I am personally oriented to. Overall, the energy, presentations, and atmosphere of understanding were inspiring.

HydraAu2 karma

Practice being yourself and hiding in the shadows will be near impossible. Leaders are trained, rarely born.

HydraAu2 karma

Thank you for answering, I appreciate the wholistic approach that you all seem to be doing. Will you be providing further student scholarships in the future?

(I understand as a non-profit this prospect may grow exceedingly difficult as popularity ensues)