Highest Rated Comments

IanPrime9 karma

Hi Max. Last AMA I asked you about comics. You teased that you were doing a project with Jock, which ended up being Adventures of Superman. I throughly enjoyed the issue, and i'm going to ask the same thing as last time. Anything coming up at DC?

IanPrime2 karma

Hey Max do you think you will be writing any more comics at DC anytime soon?

Your story in the Action Comics Annual was great and i loved your Death and Return of Superman Pitch.

IanPrime2 karma

Yeah DC is being shit, but i'd love to see what would happen if you teamed with Jock.

IanPrime1 karma

Corner Gas is a show that means so much to me, and i have no other choice but to sit down a watch it whenever it comes on the Comedy Network (at least 800 times a day). In terms of a question, can we expect a Colin Mochrie cameo in the film? Please? While were at it, can we get a Table Hockey re-match between Brent and Karen?