IloveSYSK3 karma7/16/2013, 8:31:02 PM
Hey guys!
I have to admit seeing you guys on TV freaked me out a bit. I had only ever heard your voices on the podcasts. I had incorrectly assumed that Josh was Chuck's voice and vice versa.
Now for the hard-hitting questions: What are your thoughts on the Atlanta Falcons' new training camp "burger" ( which features barbecue, bacon, mac 'n cheese, cole slaw and onion rings?
What would you name it?
Would you try it?
Maybe a future podcast on extreme meals...
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IloveSYSK3 karma
Hey guys!
I have to admit seeing you guys on TV freaked me out a bit. I had only ever heard your voices on the podcasts. I had incorrectly assumed that Josh was Chuck's voice and vice versa.
Now for the hard-hitting questions: What are your thoughts on the Atlanta Falcons' new training camp "burger" ( which features barbecue, bacon, mac 'n cheese, cole slaw and onion rings?
What would you name it?
Would you try it?
Maybe a future podcast on extreme meals...
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