Highest Rated Comments

ImParticleMan5 karma

Does your brain/body/cognitive awareness detect an ongoing difference within from pre-surgeries? Physically, are you still completely about your wits when it comes to fine motor skills/acuteness or physical activities/exercise?

ImParticleMan4 karma

If you eat too much of it, probably.

ImParticleMan2 karma

I probably asked that poorly. Do you have an ongoing sense you're no longer with 10% of your brain? Aside from the recovery and newfound lack of fear, any of your senses feel off or now compensating for something they might not of before

ImParticleMan1 karma

Never heard of this...doesn't iheart or tunein fulfill the same outcome? I used to have a DIY AM/shortwave radio kit that picked up transmissions from other continents. Is that extreme DX'ing?

ImParticleMan1 karma

Do you believe the economy suffers more from continual cycles of understanding virus, spread and implementing a reactionary strategy, or from overarching problem there was never an economic pandemic plan developed in preparation for such an event?