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ImSpartacus811512 karma

She missed the "????" right before "Profit!".

ImSpartacus811261 karma

I just set the Guinness World Record for longest distance swim in the ocean on a single breath.

How much did you have to pay Guinness World Records to accept the record?

You always hear that they effectively make money off of charging people for records and I'm curious how it worked for you.

ImSpartacus811222 karma

Lena Paul had a frighteningly frank conversation about this and it's absolutely fascinating:

  • Viagra is a vasodilator, so it makes you sweat and that's no good for cameras.

  • Caverject is an injection directly into the penis, but it eventually stops working after a couple years.

  • The "last resort" is an implant that replaces part of the inside of your penis with inflatable tubes and a pump in your abdomen. The controls for the pump are usually hidden in your scrotum.

The implant often needs to be replaced after 5-10ish years and you can't have an erection without it once you have the surgery.

ImSpartacus811120 karma

I've seen a lifesize cardboard cutout of Steve Ballmer

Does it say "developers" over and over?

ImSpartacus811114 karma

But try have the compliment follow something mildly light hearted like “ive just lost my train of thought and blanked, your (hair/dress etc) is distracting in the best way. I also admire (insert your compliment)."

Damn, that's smooth.

I'm stealing this.